Using Groundbreaking Technology to Engage Students in Class

Published on October 25, 2022 by Editorial Team

Using Groundbreaking Technology to Engage Students in Class

Perhaps the challenge today is the issue of student motivation and engagement in learning and classes. A high level of student engagement should be a priority.

The more engaged students are, the more they learn and the more they achieve. On the other hand, students face constant distractions, and the sad truth is that attention spans are getting shorter. Today’s students are representatives of generations “Y” and “Z.”

They have grown up in the age of digital technologies. That is why teachers and tutors must take advantage of the best examples of innovations in education, not see them as a distraction, to increase student engagement. Technology in the classroom allows students to gain a deeper understanding of topics they are keen on, collaborate, and direct their learning.

How to overcome students’ poor course engagement?

Many students lose motivation as they have to submit many college assignments.  They spend many hours in the campus library writing essays. They do not have enough time to entertain and enjoy student life. Being under constant pressure students might be not focused. As a result, it is not simple for teachers to engage them in class, even using state-of-the-art technologies.

However, to achieve academic success and get high grades, students try to find effective ways to overcome stress caused by an excessive workload. Some students ask their classmates for help. Others address their teacher and tutors to get some extra instructions. Yet, some topics like the death penalty, nuclear energy, or macroeconomics might be pretty challenging. If so, “google’ for the concept of the death penalty essay examples, for instance, if the research paper or essay topic is unclear. You are welcome to use online resources providing students with a free essay sample. They help generate ideas, get inspiration, and come up with a title or outline for your paper. It is a quick and painless way to succeed in studying and save much energy, time, and effort.

How does technology promote students’ engagement during the learning process?

Source – Unsplash

Groundbreaking technology surely influences behavioral, cognitive, and emotional engagement. Behavioral engagement refers to students’ actions. They do not miss classes, are punctual, and do home assignments on time. Cognitive engagement means a willingness to learn. Students ask questions and seek additional resources to delve deeper into certain topics. Emotional engagement is satisfaction with the learning process. Students have positive relationships with the teacher and other students.

What are the best technology tools for student engagement?

Phones and computers can be quite applicable in the classroom. Using various electronic gadgets, students can use online tools. They help those complete assignments and increase their interest and studying motivation. Whether they are working on a research essay, presentation, science project, or math report, there are many tools available to make the process more engaging for students. Here comes the list of the most usually-used technology tools.

1. Augmented reality programs like JigSpace, Adobe Aero, 3D Brush, Math Ninja AR, Halo AR, Assemblr, etc. App developers create AR apps both for entertainment and education.

2. Flipgrid. Video is a great engagement tool. If you add social dynamics to a school-friendly architecture, you have Flipgrid.

3. Socrative. You must have probably heard of Socrative. It is a tool for assessing student understanding with prepared tasks or questions on the fly, then adjusting your teaching based on the results.

4. Kahoot! It is a practical tool that students can use to create quizzes and tests in class. Kahoot is useful for obtaining data for graphic assignments, data for research essays, and feedback from classmates. Kahoot! Is compatible with multiple devices and has a game feel to help engage students.

5. Class Dojo. It is a fascinating tool for the gamification of the classroom. Students create their avatars and earn and lose points based on classroom behaviour, discussion approaches, and other communication skills. Teachers can also use Class Dojo to track attendance and create schedules that distribute information to teachers. This tool encourages students to uphold the values of the classroom and provides key indicators to help teachers adjust their teaching tactics accordingly.


Scholars highlight that today’s generation of students is growing up in the digital era. Access to a variety of technologies and the Internet is not only available but necessary for the education system in future and nowadays.

Overall, increasing student engagement through technology is beneficial for both students and teachers. Student performance can improve and teachers can be more productive. Our world is embodied in social networks, digital processes, robotics, machines, and software programs. They improve education, productivity and business management processes. Technology facilitates student engagement and empowers students to become successful and productive citizens.

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