JSON Minifier

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About JSON Minifier

Our JSON Minifier tool is simple and free to use. Using this tool you can minify JSON code in real time. JSON minify remove unnecessary spaces, comments and newlines to reduce its file size. Our JSON minfier use browser client-side technology to minify code, so your code is secured and not stored anywhere.

Features of JSON Minifier

Our JSON Minifier tool comes with many amazing features:

  • Minify Code in single click
  • Works locally in browser (client side)
  • Works Without internet (internet required first time)
  • Works on maximum latest browsers

What is JSON?

JSON is a Open Standard File Format and Very Common Data Format, It uses Human readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types. JSON is also known as JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. Learn More About JSON at Wikipedia and JSON.ORG

How to Minify JSON Code?

Follow the steps given below to minify JSON:

  1. Click on the clear button to delete the demo code
  2. Now paste your JSON Code
  3. Cick on minify button and wait
  4. Now you can copy or view minified JSON code

FAQs About JSON Minifier

Q: Do I need to install app to use JSON Minifier?

A: No, You don't need to install any app or extension. Just Paste the JSON code and click minify button.

Q: Is it safe to use this JSON Minifier?

A: Yes, This tool is fully safe and client side, we are not storing any data from JSON Minifier.

Q: Is there any desktop app available for JSON Minifier tool?

A: Yes, This Entire Tool is Progressive Web App, From any latest browser you can easily install this app.

Q: Is this tool works offline?

A: Yes, If you install our progressive web app.

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